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"Welcome to my fellow spiritual seekers, nones, possibilians, ecumenicals, hopeful agnostics, and cuddly atheists!

The Freelance Monkette is a female monk without a religion,

a free-thinker with a Roman Catholic operating system, trying to hold the tension and explore the possibilities between believing in a good God or just goodness.

Join me in the quest!

What is a Freelance Monkette?

     A Freelance Monkette is a female monk without a religion, a free-thinker with a Roman Catholic operating system. Raised in the post-Vatican II 1970s, I  was never a "rules" Catholic. Obedience to the Pope, the hierarchy, catechism, not for me. My family was sincere but not zealous and the Church was in its liberal heyday too soon forgotten. Secretly, I imprinted on God and developed a fervent practicing the presence relationship which only deepened until my dark night of the soul which encompassed my undergraduate years. I explored all the major world religions, the philosophy of religion, the psychology of religion, the whole works. I did not find what I was looking for; so, I went freelance. I left the Catholic Church only to discover that the Catholic Church had not left me. Vestiges of sacramental awareness, ritual, and mysticism remained along with a passionate commitment to social justice. In my bones, I was a monkette and in my head freelance and so the Freelance Monkette was born.

     In 2010, I created my first web site, Life of Significant Soil, which is an homage to natural theology and the souls who helped me on my way.  In 2011, I wrote GOD-centric in which I share my spiritual journey and thinking. In 2012, I published GOD-centric Interior Spiritual Disciplines in which I apply my GOD-centric philosophy to music, art, prayer, lectio divina, and study. In 2016, I threw in that extra “O” and wrote GOOD-centric Exterior Spiritual Disciplines to complete the trilogy.

   In 2019, I was invited to contribute to PANDEISM: An Anthology of Natural Spirituality resulting in “Why I Am Not a Pandeist” which is my clearest statement of my now non-faith yet.

     Come join me in my Freelance Monkette celebration of some things Catholic and remember, as I reassured my Mom, all the coolest Catholics were heretics!

                                     The Freelance Monkette

"From the cowardice that dare not face new truth,

From the laziness that is contented with half truth,

From the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth,

Good Lord, deliver us."

~ Kenyan Prayer