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GOOD-centric Exterior Spiritual Disciplines:

To live out goodness, fairness, and love

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A Note to Non-GOD-centric Christian Believers

Non-GOD-centric Christians are those Christians who somehow remained unswayed by my compelling GOD-centric invitation to prioritize a good and fair God of love over religious texts and tenets which contradict God's love, goodness, and fairness. They have not weeded out unloving, immoral, or unfair words and ideas from the bible and Christian dogma. In short, Non-GOD-centric Christians either worship the bible more than they worship God or they are comfortable worshipping the not always loving, good, or fair God portrayed in the bible.

I have become increasingly convinced that non-GOD-centric religious belief is dangerous, always, even among the good-hearted, because it requires weak thinking:

The difference between faith and insanity is that faith is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence, whereas insanity is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence. (William Harwood, Dictionary of Contemporary Mythology)

Good-hearted non-GOD-centric believers are required to suspend reason in order to believe that a god to whom atrocities are attributed is somehow good. If non-GOD-centric believers are required to set aside reason in the realm of religion, how can they then be expected to use reason in other important but less-important-than-god realms in life? Blind allegiance and faulty thinking habits follow non-GOD-centric believers outside religion into politics, science, and other avenues where their faulty thinking and inability to discern real from fake affects the lives of many others, not just themselves. Non-GOD-centric believers are dangerous to themselves and us all.

Religion either needs to purify and transform itself by weeding out all text and dogma that is not loving, good, and fair or it needs to be called out for what it is ~ an at least occasional promoter of hate, evil, and injustice: “It is from the Bible that man has learned cruelty, rapine, and murder; for the belief of a cruel God makes a cruel man” (Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason). I beg you, please, for the love of God, be a GOD-centric (loving, good, and fair) Christian.