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GOD-centric Interior Spiritual Disciplines:

To live in a good and fair God of love

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Prayer to Being

~ Thayumanavar

As the Primal Substance of all

That are known as substances;

As the consciousness behind them.

As the nectar rich,

When bibed, end the miseries

Of the loving devotees that gain the perception lucid.

As the Perfect Bliss that makes no distinction

As existing within the Self and without.

As the Substance that shines

Dispelling darkness entire;

That Substance,

Let us in meekness adore.

As the crowning meaning of Vedas rare;

As the perfection beyond the perception of celestials;

Of munis great, siddhas pure and the rest.

As the treasure that transcends cause;

As the immanence of fragrance

In flower, oil in sesamum seed and life within.

As the great Substance

Ever abiding in the center of turiya consciousness of purity ~

That Substance,

Let us adore.

As the Empty Spaces Vast

That contained within it

The sky and the rest of elements five;

As the Sea of Bliss

In the vision of those

Who saw with the eyes of jnana

As He who in compassion makes me

His own Self;

Lest I think of anything else,

For that God, Whose benevolent Grace cherishing at heart

Let us raise our hands in adoration deep.
