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GOOD-centric Exterior Spiritual Disciplines:

To live out goodness, fairness, and love

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GOOD-centric Fairness for the Environment

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Dirty air and polluted water don’t stay on their side of the border to negatively impact only those responsible for their creation. Historically, damage to the environment has not been a cost considered in economic development so those nations currently affluent have achieved that status by damaging the environment for all and paying no consequence. Now, poor nations want to develop and, for the good of us all, that development should be as green as possible. To be fair, the GOOD-centric would encourage richer nations to pay a backdated penalty for the damage they caused to the environment and that collective penalty would be used to assist poorer nations in developing sustainably.